πŸ“…Linkedin Setup

Connecting LinkedIn with your HighRank.AI Dashboard for post automation - We currently support Linkedin and X (formerly known as Twitter). Stay tuned for more Social Media Platform Integerations

  1. Click on the OAuth token generator tool link to go to your Linkedin.

  2. Generate an OAuth token by creating a new access token in the β€œCreate a new access token” menu after setting up your app.

  3. Select the following scopes:

  • openid (Use your name and photo)

  • profile (Use your name and photo)

  • w_member_social (Create, modify, and delete posts, comments, and reactions on your behalf)

  • email (Use the primary email address associated with your LinkedIn account)

  1. Click on the β€œRequest access token” button.

  • If you encounter issues with token generation, try using a different browser.

  1. Copy the generated token and paste it on the LinkedIn connect page.

Last updated